Canadian boxer’s action turns into a big issue

STEPS are being taken to resolve the issue of Canadian boxer Dave Leduc, a Lethwei fighter who is the current WLC Cruiserweight World Champion, continuously challenging and provoking Thai middleweight kickboxer Sombat Banchamek, more commonly known as Buakaw Banchamek, to a match, said today (May 9).

The 29-year-old Canadian boxer tried to provoke Sombat in various ways including showing disrespect for the art of Muay Thai. He even touched on Thailand’s most famous Muay Thai boxer’s personal life by referring to his lawsuit against his wife who is demanding 25 million baht spousal maintenance.

However Mr Tan Sin Oo, the official representative of the Myanmar Boxing Confederation in Thailand, has now issued a call to Mr Zay Thiha, chairman and founder  World Lethwei Championship, to urgently solve this problem.

 “Myanmar and Thailand exit together in fraternity. The Lethwei and Muay Thai collaboration events in the past is evidence of this.

“However, Dave Leduk’s hateful act has ruined the friendship between Myanmar and Thailand, which we don’t want to destroy. Therefore, I would like to inform the brothers and sisters in Thailand that the Lethwei Confederation is preparing to work on this matter.”

Leduc, who is 188 centimetre, had in the past studied Muay Thai and used to live in Phuket before moving to Myanmar. He has tried to create a trend of competition between Thai and Myanmar boxing styles.

He became very popular in Myanmar after participating in the Burmese bare knuckle boxing, considered the world’s most brutal sport. Leduc challenged and defeated Tun Tun Min, who was then recognized as the best in the world and became the first non-Burmese to win a Lethwei Golden Belt.


Top: Dave Leduc and Buakaw Banchamek. Thai headline says, “a national problem.:” Photos:


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