Publishing house editor arrested on charges of disclosing national secrets


A TEAM of Technology Crime Suppression Division (TCSD) police showed up with an arrest warrant to apprehend the Editor-in-Chief of Fah Diew Kan Publishing House Mr. Thanapol Iewsakul on the charges of disclosing documents and other material related to national security and violating the Computer Crime Act this afternoon (June 29), Matichon newspaper said.

At 4.15 p.m. the Lawyers for Human Rights Centre said the police team had taken Thanapol to their headquarters without waiting for a lawyer to show up but a lawyer is now following up the case.

On Jan. 20 more than 30 policemen had brought a warrant to search the publishing house and in doing so went through the books and confiscated mobile devices and computers belonging to Thanapol.


Fah Diew Kan Publishing House Editor-in-Chief Mr. Thanapol Iewsakul being arrested today. Photos: Matichon

Also read: Constitutional Court website hacking suspect arrested

12 nabbed for posting fake news on Covid-19


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