Myanmar MiG-29 fighter jet strafes Karen positions again but no intrusion

MYANMAR junta sent its MiG-29 fighter jet to strafe Karen insurgent positions across the border from Popphra district of Tak province nine times this morning (July 1) but did not intrude into Thai airspace, Matichon newspaper said.

Reporters at this border district said by 11 a.m. the Myanmar fighter jet had made nine strafing runs on positions held by Karen National Union (KNU), Karen National Defence Organisation (KNDO) and former soldiers who are members of People’s Defence Force (PDF) resistance group in the area opposite Baan Wale Tai, Wale subdistrict.

The aerial attacks created a loud noise in the Thai side and initially there was no report of the Thai air force scrambling F-16 fighters as it did yesterday when two took to the sky over the Thai-Myanmar border to deter the surprise flyby of a MiG-29 jet.

The battle between Karens and Myanmar troops continues across the border with the former having seized two of four parts of a Myanmar junta camp and is trying to capture all of it.

Earlier this morning Prime Minister and Defence Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said yesterday’s intrusion by the Myanmar fighter jet occurred while it was making a U-turn and urged the Thai side not to drum up this flyby taking into consideration good relations between the two countries, said.

He added that he had already discussed this issue with the Myanmar ambassador who had already apologised and confirmed the intrusion was unintentional.

Prayut pointed out that the most important factor is to ensure that the country has the capacity to defend its sovereignty today and in the future.


Top: The Myanmar MiG-29 jet flying over Myawaddy township as seen from the Thai side this morning. Photo: Matichon

Front Page: Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha. Photo: INN News

Also read: Two Thai F-16 fighters deter Myanmar’s intruding MiG-29 jet

 Myanmar junta keeps Chiang Rai-Tachileik checkpoint shut

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