Deputy Energy Minister tells senators to turn down air-conditioning 


AT a senate meeting on ways to resolve the public’s energy problems Deputy Energy Minister Supattanapong Punmechaow suggested that the senators themselves set an example by turning down the air-conditioning in the parliamentary chamber and stop wearing a suit and tie to keep cool, Matichon newspaper said this afternoon (July 4).

The meeting chaired by Gen. Singsuk Singpai, the first Deputy Speaker, was held to interpellate the cabinet on its measures to alleviate energy problems in the country with two senators, Gen. Sakon Satchanit and Mr. Suradej Jiraticharoen, raising questions about steps taken to ease the people’s suffering.

Supattanapong replied that the government is trying to solve the energy problem by encouraging the use of clean energy while also launching a campaign for people to save electricity by turning down their air-conditioners.

“If the senators limit air-conditioning and stop wearing suit and tie plus start using an energy meter with this telecast live to the public it will lead to more serious energy conservation.

“The Energy Ministry is ready to support Parliament in making this adjustment by providing information and sending staff to install energy measuring devices so that it will be clearly seen that energy reduction steps are yielding results.

“This is an easy way and if telecast to the public it would be a good means to reduce energy consumption and useful in encouraging the public to follow in your footsteps,” he said.


Top: Parliamentary meeting chamber. Photo: Matichon

Front Page: Deputy Energy Minister Supattanapong Punmeechaow addressing the senate meeting. Photo: Matichon

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