Chadchart moving to fix budget allocation with community projects to get funds


BANGKOK Governor Chadchart Sittipunt said after visiting a community in Pathumwan district today (June 24) that the biggest problem the metropolis faces is districts not getting funds for basic community projects as the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) had previously mainly allocated budget for big schemes and that he is going to rectify it, Matichon newspaper said.

Chadchart had walked to Ban Krua Tai community after his fifth roving meeting with district officials with it being Pathumwan’s turn this time.

He underscored that viewpoints had to change because budgets requested by districts were not substantial yet their projects made a big difference to residents in these areas.

“We need to pay more attention to striking a balance, we must also look at small projects, community projects that do not require much investment but have a huge impact on people’s lives,” he said. “Over the next one year we will have to reach a better balance for all 50 districts.”

Chadchart added that he will be visiting more communities on Sundays and while doing so on a day off disturbed district officials it was still necessary because there would not be many people around if he came on weekdays.

Asked what he gathered from today’s field trip, Chadchart said the people raised basic issues like requesting for a sports field, or in case of Wat Duangkhae community tackling the flooding problem plus small issues like installing adequate surveillance cameras and lighting in their community.

These were minor issues but if they were resolved the residents would be encouraged that BMA was paying attention to details, he added.

“Some things you cannot see while sitting in the office but by coming out and experiencing real life we see things in a different dimension,” he commented.


Bangkok Governor Chadchart Sittipunt visiting Ban Krua Tai community and holding talks with Pathumwan district officials. Photos: Matichon

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