Trat police giving free helmets to those caught not wearing one 


INSTEAD of fining riders caught not wearing a crash helmet, police in southern Trat province today (July 27) began giving the traffic violators one each free of charge to ensure their safety in case of an accident, Naewna newspaper said.

Pol. Col. Somchai Yusawat, deputy chief of Trat Provincial Police, together with Pol. Lt. Col. Chaiwin Promee, a traffic inspector at Mueang Trat police station, and accompanied by a team of traffic policemen started this novel approach to ensure that riders do wear crash helmets by distributing them free to those passing by Trat Trakankhun School in Mueang district without one on.

Pol. Col. Somchai said this campaign is to raise awareness that it is necessary to wear a helmet regardless of whether people are riding a short or long distance as they do prevent serious injury and even death.

Today 2,000 of these helmets that were paid for by the Trat Provincial Administrative Organisation are being distributed all over the province to helmetless riders.

Recipients have to scan a QR code and fill in that they are getting one for free and are not being fined. However if they are caught again riding around without a helmet they would have to pay a fine.

He added that police sympathised with the people because with the economy not being so good some families might not be able to afford buying one. However once they get a free helmet they must wear it or be hit with the full fine.


Policemen giving away free crash helmets to riders in Trat today, July 27, 2022. Photos: Naewna

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