WHO recommends gay and bisexual men limit sexual partners to reduce the spread of monkeypox

  By Spencer Kimball, CNBC THE World Health Organisation yesterday (July 27) recommended that gay and bisexual men limit their number of sexual partners to protect themselves from monkeypox and help slow transmission of the rapidly spreading virus. The WHO’s monkeypox expert, Rosamund Lewis, said men who have sex with men are the group at …

Three suspects arrested in food fraud raid 

  POLICE arrested three suspects on trademark counterfeiting charges in a raid on a single-storey house in Pathum Thani province where unbranded monosodium glutamate (MSG) food additive was found falsely-labelled under a well-known brand, Sanook.com said yesterday (July 27). Altogether 54,445 items separated into 21 categories were seized during the raid and aside from the …