French tourist likely infected with monkeypox


A FRENCHMAN who developed blisters on his hands while holidaying in Trat province has likely been infected with monkeypox and if so he would become the country’s fifth case of this infectious viral disease, TV Channel 7 said today (August 6).

The unnamed 32-year-old tourist rode a motorcycle to a private hospital in this province and after initial examination doctors here coordinated with Trat Hospital to send him there for treatment.

While his transfer was being arranged he tried to leave the hospital room where he was quarantined with hospital staff then calling the police to come in and handle the situation.

Policemen spent an hour explaining why he was quarantined after which he agreed to undergo tests to ascertain whether he had caught monkeypox.


Top: Police persuading the French tourist, centre, to accept being quarantined till test results are out. Photo: TV Channel 7

Front Page: The WHO says this is the first time so many cases have been reported at the same time in widely disparate areas. Credit: Science Photo Library and published by BBC

Also read: Thai woman is the country’s 4th monkeypox case, 2 others exposed

Third monkeypox case emerges in Phuket

 13 others being watched after second monkeypox case emerges in Bangkok

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