India bids to sell fighter jets to Malaysia, says 6 other countries interested

  By Reuters and published by The Star New Delhi - India has offered to sell 18 light-combat aircraft (LCA) "Tejas" to Malaysia, the defence ministry said on Friday (August 5), adding that Argentina, Australia, Egypt, the United States, Indonesia, and the Philippines were also interested in the single-engine jet. The Indian government last year …

French tourist cleared of monkeypox in one test

  TRAT provincial authorities revealed this evening (August 7) that the French tourist suspected of having caught monkeypox has been cleared of the disease in one test with confirmation of the second test expected tomorrow, Naewna newspaper  Mr. Surachai Jeamkul, deputy public health doctor at this province, said blood tests were conducted by the Public …

Chadchart: Of 83 problematic pubs in Bangkok, 49 are in Chatuchak

  BANGKOK Governor Chadchart Sittipunt said today (August 7) that safety checks of all local service outlets to ensure adequate and functional fire exits had found 83 pubs with problems with as many as 49 being in Chatuchak district, Matichon newspaper said. A report on the safety checks is submitted to him on the 5th …

Fire at PTTEP’s tower within Energy Complex brought under control

A FIRE broke out on the 33rd floor of tower A at the Energy Complex (EnCo) on Vibhavadi Rangsit road belonging to PTT Exploration and Production Plc (PTTEP) at around noon today (August 7) but firefighters have managed to control it, Matichon newspaper. An initial tweet by FM91 Trafficpro quoting Praram Radio Center 199 had …